Family Medicine


Dr. Sydney Crackower has been practicing Family Medicine for 38 years in the Lafayette Louisiana area.  We have been looking after the day to day needs of families and their health issues successfully with same day appointments as needed.  Whether it’s dad’s high blood pressure, the baby’s cough and cold or mom’s eczema or poison ivy we are available for all of your medical needs.  Dr. Crackower performs physical examinations for your yearly requirement or for your new job.  We do sports physicals for Junior’s high school sports team and do annual female exams and pap smears.

We provide facilities to do laboratory and blood work and offer second opinions of medical problems. When problems become specialized or more complex, we readily make referral for you to the required medical specialist including Internal Medicine, Orthopedics, Dermatology Ear Nose and Throat, General Surgery, Neurosurgery, Neurology, Urology, Gynecology and Obstetrics or whatever specialty is required. In the area of skin diseases we treat acne, eczema, poison ivy and other skin allergies, dermatitis, all rashes,fungus and yeast infections, heat rashes. We treat many diabetes patients and patients with asthma and chronic lung disease. We remove moles, and other growths and treat staph infections and boils. Generally speaking we attempt to treat all aspects of General Medicine or make referral for you as needed.


Dr. Sydney Crackower
701 Robley Drive, Suite 100
Lafayette, LA 70503
Phone: 337-223-2279
Fax: 337-988-4144

Office Hours

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